New Names to Central Files Stat.

March 4, 2013 at 12:00 am Leave a comment

AOLA Bridge Control Part 3. The Great New Names Fraud.
Ever wondered why the church claims 400 billion members? (and thats just in LA). Well I found out why when I was on post as Dir Bridge Control AOLA in 2002.
As posted earlier the New Names to Central Files stat on the AOLA org board is for those people who newly take their first step on the Bridge. That means a Purif Start, Student hat Etc. My job was to enter those names in the the AOLA CF by typing them each week thus adding a person that the AO could then write to and “encourage” to get up the bridge to clear as fast as possible. The reasoning by LRH was to educate people on the state of OT so they had a higher goal than just Clear. My actual product as Bridge Control was to make sure Div Sixes were doing there job and getting people onto major services.

So then given the number of missions and orgs at the time do you thing this could be so altered and squirreled into a false stat.

My senior at the time the 6a secretary had managed to procure a list of every book buyer and Div Six start in the USA. My job then was to type those names into a CF. For those of you on staff at some point will know that to win birthday game points you have to have normals and affluences to get those points. Now if the stat were managed properly when he found the 15,000 names you would have had a week of affluence and then a huge crash. But oh no, the public officer had devised a plan to drag those stats out for years to create a continuing increase. Instead of doing my real job of getting lower orgs working I spent my time typing the names in of public that were never supposed to be AO public in the first place.

This is one of the major stats of an AO Div Six. I was actually typing in over 1500 names a week. The real stat of the orgs. 40 -60 new starts COUNTRY WIDE.

Entry filed under: Director of Bridge Control.

What is the Bridge Control Post New Names To Central Files Continued

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